Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

Monday, December 10, 2012

The season of Christmas

Christmas!! A time of joy, family, and celebration that our Lord came to earth to be our Saviour. Emmanuel, God with us!! That truly is what it is about, right? All too often I feel the answer to that question is no. Honestly, I can become quite a scrooge this time of year. We go, go, go, and then go go go some more. It is truly one of the most difficult times of year to live out of town from family. I'm already exhausted even as I sit here typing and it's only Dec. 10. I haven't bought the first gift. And I have no idea when I will nor what to buy. Not one free moment between now and mid January. It frustrates me . . . my head feels like it is constantly spinning. I can't help but feel that we get it all wrong. None of these things are bad. Family is great. Nothing wrong with giving gifts. I love to eat and enjoy a good fellowship with family or church friends. The whole month is spent hustling and bustling around to fit everything in. And somewhere in there we fit in Christ. None of us would want to admit that it's that way . . . and I don't want it to be that way . . . but I feel like I'm running in a cogwheel and can't get out. Why can't I change? I'm sure much of the reason is expectations of others. Maybe another reason is exhaustion :) BUT, my desire is simple. To celebrate with thankfulness that God is with us!! That is the one thing I can do . . . celebrate that glorious truth each and every day. Remind myself of that every day (every hour) and from that it will spill out in my speech to others. Lord, please remind me daily.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, my friend!!! I totally agree. It's at this time of year we should slow down, savor, and celebrate HE has come, yet we rush from here there and yonder and just like you said, fit Him in somewhere.
