Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

Monday, October 1, 2012

Where is the choo choo going?

At the Slade house we are all about some choo choos!! That's what comes with having 2 little boys around! We play with them every day . . . Thomas, Mavis, Percy, the engines . . . etc. Engines are extra special. Every time we drive into town we pass the train tracks and look for engines. If we see the engines it is an extra special day! And the days that we see the engines "pulling", almost nothing can contain the excitement. Some days I get tired of choo choos and would love to play with something else . . . but oh the joy that they bring my little boys. And sometimes the trains can bring such joy to my heart. When Todd was in Brazil back in August, Jeremiah would be playing with his trains and would say, "Mommy! The choo choo is going on a mission trip to Brazil! Where DaDa is!!" And today with Chandler he was playing with his trains and it happened again . . . "My trains are going on a mission trip. Going to China. Like Daddy is going!" What joy this little 2 year old (will be 3 in 5 days!) can bring to my heart. So sweet that he wants his trains to do what his Daddy is doing!! May God continue to sanctify us so that when our children want to be like us, they will in turn, be like Him!!

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