Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

Thursday, January 19, 2012


February 10, 1914 - December 29, 2011

Those are the years that my sweet Grandmama was here on earth. I have so many fond memories of Grandmama (my dad's mom). She was a lady who loved the Lord - I remember often when visiting her and spending the night with her (and Pop) that every morning she would be up reading her Bible. This was how she started EVERY day. She was always confident in her faith and trusted her Savior. In addition to being a godly grandmother, she was an AMAZING cook!! No one could cook like grandmama, whether it was chicken strips, fried squash, biscuits, mashed potatoes, or a cake or pie, it was ALL wonderful!! She always make extra biscuits on Sunday and I would eat the extra biscuits almost every Sunday when I went to visit. My grandmother was also able to do just about anything - no task was too big. She was a hard worker, no one could argue that point. I think that pretty much every one liked her . . . none of the family can remember anyone who didn't like her! She was feisty - I loved this about her - maybe that's cause I can bit a little bit like her!! She was known for being quite stubborn also - my husband would tell you that I hold that trait as well :) And she was always laughing - whether she was talking to one of her friends on the phone or trying to tell a joke - she frequently couldn't finish telling jokes because she would be laughing too hard - and you would always end up laughing also, not at the joke she couldn't finish, but at her laughing - it was definitely contagious!!

Grandmama was very special . . . maybe because I'm a lot like her. She had gotten pretty sick over the past couple of years and it was difficult to see her not being herself. So, for that I am grateful that she is no longer suffering here in her earthly body in her temporary home. Though I miss being with her and spending time with her, I can smile and have great peace in knowing that she is now praising her Creator and in His presence - THAT is true healing - physical and spiritual!! Her faith has been realized!! I rejoice in that and am so thankful that the Lord blessed me to have her as Grandmama!!

Christmas 2011 - A season of travelling!!

First of all, let me say that I am so thankful that we got the chance to see so much of our family during Christmas this year. It is always a struggle and not every year that we get to see so many people. We started off by heading to Gainesville on the 23rd to see my family. We got together with my mom's side of the family that night for food, fun, good company and gift exchange - both real gifts and all the silly gag gifts that come around each year. This year's winning gag was a scary Michael Jackson look alike painting - it really was a bit creepy. The next morning we exchanged gifts and had time with just my parents and my sister and Lev. From there we went to Grandmama's house to see my dad's side of the family - that was such a sweet time to see all of my family that I really don't get to see nearly as often as I would like. From there we headed back to Griffin for the Christmas Eve service and made it through the hour long service with our 2 sweet boys in there with us. phew!!! From there we carried on a Christmas Eve tradition that we started last year - Pizza!! So, we ate some pizza and then rode around Griffin looking at Christmas lights . . . mostly tacky ones cause that's what Jeremiah likes best!! Christmas morning we got up and gathered with our faith family at Second - so thankful to be in the Lord's house on the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior, who came to redeem us!! After the service we headed to Rome and spent the night. That following day we did our annual scavenger hunt at the Slades's and enjoyed our time there. That night Todd and I came back to Griffin while the boys enjoyed one more day/night with Mimi and Papa!!

It was quite a whirlwind with all that travelling and quite exhausting as well. But in the end I am so grateful for both of our families and the time that we could spend with each of them. We are truly blessed beyond measure with our earthly families!!

Savannah 1/2 Marathon

Back at the beginning of Nov, I ran in the Savannah Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon with some sweet friends!! This was my second 1/2 marathon. I had run in one almost exactly a year before that in Nov of 2010 in Columbus, GA and said that I would probably NEVER do that again. I had not trained very well, but was determined to make it through, which I did, but couldn't walk for a week afterward. So, this time I was determined to do a little better job training. I had signed up in June and had PLENTY of time to train. Well, I didn't really get serious til maybe September, but still had plenty of time. I started out with some solo runs, which was fine for short runs, but quickly realized that I needed some companionship and accountability and motivation for some of those longer runs! I ran a lot with Angela L. and through her got to meet Stephanie J and run with her some also. I did enjoy the time that I got to spend with these 2 ladies in the process. It made the running much better (as I frequently questioned why I had signed up for this silly race!)
So, race time came and we all headed down to Savannah - Jon and Michele, Doug and Angela, and Jennifer B and myself. All in the minivan . . . by the way, I get car sick and sitting in the back was not a great idea. Felt kinda rotten and switched it up for the last hour before we got to the expo. Sat in lots of traffic to get there, but got there, met Chuck, and picked up our numbers! We then met David and Angela at Carrabas for dinner. The wait was FOREVER, so we decided to sit out in the FREEZING COLD to eat. From there we were going to Darien to stay with the Cecil's. Angela offered to let me stay with her and David in the camper and honestly the thought of not getting back in the minivan that made me so sick for another hour was so appealing that I couldn't turn it down. I think I slept a LITTLE that night, only to get back up at dark-thirty to get ready for the race. We got there and once again it was FREEZING!! We started though and I must admit I was a little nervous . . . I have NO idea why I should be nervous about running, but I was. I started and was doing great until my knee started hurting around mile 6 (I had been having trouble with my IT band for about a month prior on long runs!) It hurt so bad I almost fell in the middle of the street. I stopped, did a little stretching, some praying and handing it over to the Lord, and started back up, hoping for the best. Thankfully, the pain subsided and I finished well. 2:07 That was better than I had hoped for so I was pretty excited.

Not sure if I will do another. I would like to . . . but we will see.